Thursday, May 6, 2010

more four

050610: this stack has been with me since my first apartment on st.stephen street in boston, and every apartment since then (about 7). and before all of that, at my house growing up.


  1. Hi there. I love these. I have a set that was in my Italian aunt's kitchen forever and they're one of my most favorite possessions. She died 4 years ago at the age of 96; as is typical of an Italian aunt, she spent yearsandyears baking for everyone!

    By the way, I have an award for you over at my Hot Flashes From Hell blog...stop by if you get a chance. ☻

    Happy Spring!

  2. thank you for the sweet blog award! so appreciated!

    I love the "Hot Flashes from Hell"- so funny!

    Summer vacation is almost here! It will be here sooner than we think!
