Tuesday, March 20, 2012

what she said, what he said, spring dinner, cuke eyes, In the Make, record covers, carrot cake

1. Made this carrot cake for JMP's birthday.

2. A gallery of succinctly beautiful vinyl record covers.

3. In the Make: Studio visits with artists and designers.

4. Why it is so much more fun to go out to dinner with a young person.

5. Our first dinner on the porch: March 19th.

6. "Life's most urgent persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'"
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

7. Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.

-Mary Oliver

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Prince, The Way, Irish soda bread, a snowy morn, Post Punk Kitchen, fire doodle, focal point

1. For the past two weeks home activities have been centered around our new wood stove: breakfasts, dinners, drawing, gazing at the fire...

2. A sitting- by- the- fire doodle.

3. What my sweetheart made us for dinner last night: Beet burgers and baked garlic and curry fries from Post Punk Kitchen and rum drinks... yum!

4. A beautiful snowy view on a Thursday morning (as I sat by the fire).

5. Irish soda bread and orange marmalade.

6. Watching "The Way" with my mom and grandfather which drew up some deep wonders within having been raised Catholic and my mom growing up with her family (as ex-pats) in Spain. Yes, rather Hallmark-ish but the connections to myself and my family were stirred in me. More than before, I want to walk it.

7. My mom adopted a beautiful 7 year old Siberian husky, Prince.