Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rudeness, embroidered, bees, the table, outdoing Mary Poppins, breakfast, watching

 1. Waiting for the apple cider to steam. I loved watching him watch his cider.

2. A big breakfast for A as he watched a movie on the laptop on a Saturday morning.

3. When I told a group of students that I was a nanny for a year in my early 20's, one replied, "Ms. K you would outdo Mary Poppins as a nanny any day!" What a compliment!

4. How the Thanksgiving table was dressed.

5. Just finished and loved: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

New Photorealistic Portraits Hand Embroidered by Cayce Zavaglia portraits embroidery

6. The beautiful embroidered portraits created by Cacey Zavaglia (via Colossal).

7. Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. -Eric Hoffer

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